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Green Belt Farmland and Land/Woodland in Riddlesdown

Land r/o 36 to 60 Honister Hts and opposite the Collegiate Gates in Dunmail Drive

Updated 25/10/24

From 22 October 2024, the RRA received a number of enquiries from residents about two men, who with a digger, were clearing the shrubs and bushes on this land. There is a TPO on one tree on this land and a blanket TPOs on the part of land r/o 36 to 46 Honister Hts. See TPO No. 8; 2013 - Land r/o 36 to 46 Honister Heights - Link

The RRA took this up with the Planning Department on 22 October.

We received a response on 24 October from the Tree Officer, that the landowners had contacted him to gain a full understanding of the Tree Preservation Order constraints on the land. Whilst also informing him of their intention to tidy up the open section, and potentially grass seed the area cleared, given that it appeared somewhat unkept and was overgrown with weeds and bramble. Therefore, they were given clear instruction and advice in terms of what they were allowed to undertake due to the Tree Preservation Order being in place.  

The Tree Officer further advised that, it is worth noting that there is not a Blanket TPO on all the land. Except for the individual tree (T1), the remaining TPO, is classed as a Woodland type order (W1). Therefore, the area highlighted (W1), is not subject to tree restrictions apart from T1.

No tree works are anticipated in the TPO woodland section (W1). However, if required they maybe clearing some of the bramble in this woodland section. The Officer has provided strict instruction in that regard, that only brambles could be removed, great care and vigilance should be taken so as not to remove or damage any tree saplings that grow within the TPO woodland area given they are also subject to TPO.  

We hope this helps residents understand the situation.

Mitchley Wood and Dunmail Drive (White Path)

Update 29/10/20

Some residents recently contacted the RRA about tree work that the 19th Purley Scout Group were undertaking by the scout hut in Dunmail Drive. Following a recent visit by the Council's Planning Tree Officer it was stated by the Council Officer that the Scout compound was outside of the TPO areas. However, the Council Officer has now written back to the Scout leaders on 26 October to say he made an error in his previous assessment of the plans and available maps and has discovered that the scout site is within the protection of the TPO. The Scout Group are now working with the Council to regularise the situation.


Update 21/11/17

The RRA have been made aware of surveying currently being undertaken to the farmland in Rectory Park/Mitchley Hill. The RRA do not know what this is about. The surveyors when questioned by the resident as to the purpose of their visits, gave no indication as to what they were doing, or who they were working for, but that they are there to conduct a survey.

We know the land was up for sale by Wineham's with any offers due in by end of September (see below), so it could be a prospective purchaser and/or new land owner having a survey done.

The land is Metropolitan Green Belt. The owners (or anyone else) are perfectly entitled to submit a planning application (if that is why they are surveying) but the Government, from what has been said lately, are committed in protecting Green Belt land. We may hear more about this tomorrow in the budget. We can only wait and see.

The RRA have made the Sanderstead Ward Councillors and our MP aware of this latest development and this is a response from Chris Philp MP, dated 21 November 2017.

Update 27/10/17

Farm and Woodland For Sale

The RRA have received a number of enquiries from concerned residents that the farmland and some woodland in Riddlesdown has been put up for sale.

The land has been advertised with Savills and offers were due in by 29 September 2017. Much of the land is let to local farmer.  

This land is being sold by Wineham Investments, who bought much of this Green Belt land from Taylor Wimpey in 2009. Wineham's in 2016, entered into an Option Agreement with Bovis Homes.

With an Option Agreement, the buyer has the “option” to buy the property subject to certain conditions being fulfilled. This is attractive mainly to developers who wish to buy land to build/develop upon. Once any planning permission has been granted, or a condition has been fulfilled, the buyer then has the right to serve a notice upon the seller requiring the seller to sell the site to the buyer. This would be within a time specified in the option agreement, at either an agreed price, or at market value. Option Agreements are normally registered against the title of the property at the Land Registry, so any other parties can see that the developer/buyer has an interest in the land. It doesn't mean they have bought it.

All this land is Green Belt land and in theory it can't be built on for homes (which is probably why Taylor Wimpey sold it!). Croydon Council have designated all the land in the current and proposed Local Croydon Plans, as Green Belt. However, that doesn't mean it will change at sometime in the future, if Government policy changes. It is again, probably another speculative sale by an owner. Hopefully local residents shouldn't be too concerned.

The RRA will keep a watching brief on this. If anyone hears anything more, will they please let us know.

Update 4/8/17

Public Footpaths across the farm fields in Mitchley Ave

As some residents may have noticed, the local farmer (Church Farm Services) who have taken on the tenancy of the fields in Mitchley Ave and Rectory Park/Mitchley Hill have started to plough the farmland in preparation for sowing, “for long term grass leys this autumn and to cut it for hay and haylage next summer” (see our post below of 20 May 2017).

A number of residents have contacted the RRA to say that Public Footpaths have been ploughed and are now uneven. This is particularly so, on the Public Footpath between Mitchley Ave (opposite shops) and Derwent Drive.

“So what does the law state and what do farmers/landowners have to do?

• In England and Wales, those that own or maintain the land are required to keep public rights of way “open and useable”.

This means:

• To provide and maintain stiles and gates, keeping them safe and easy to use.

• Cut back overhanging vegetation that may obstruct the route – at least 3m of headroom is required on bridleways.

• Ensure field-edge paths are not cultivated for the legal minimum width of 1.5m for a public footpath and 3m for a public bridleway.

• Reinstate cross-field paths correctly

Can Farmers plough up across Public Footpaths?

Yes, they can disturb a path surface when ploughing or cultivating the field, but if they do, they must make good the path surface within 14 days of the first disturbance if a crop is being sown, or within 24 hours in other cases. The surface must be returned to at least the minimum width, which is 1m for cross-field footpaths and 2m for bridleways. Signs should be used to show the route of any reinstated path.

Can field-edge paths be cultivated?

No. A minimum width of 1.5m for field-edge footpaths and 3m for field-edge bridleways must be respected.”

We have noted the farmer has ploughed up to and across the line of the Public Footpath from Mitchley Ave (opposite shops) to Derwent Drive on the field edge. The problem with this Public Footpath is that because all the bramble/ shrub vegetation that has been allowed to grow behind the houses, the path has been allowed to be become established some metres away from the true line (and the sign post on Mitchley Ave) and it has encroached into the farmer’s field. The RRA have spoken to him (2/8/17) and he has promised to rectify this as situation as soon as possible and re-establish the Public Footpath on the field edge.

It is also needs to be made clear that the Public Footpath that runs from Mitchley Ave (opposite the shops) up to Derwent Drive (which comes out beside houses Nos 37/39) is the correct Public Footpath. The Public Footpath (130) that runs from the end of Grisedale Gardens (beside the end house - No 31) should really cross the field and connect to the Public Footpath that runs beside the Doctors Surgery in Mitchley Ave (No 116), up to Dunmail Drive. However this path isn’t properly established and is rarely used!

The photo below (taken from the Ordnance Survey map) gives a clear indication of the Public Footpaths over this land. The thick green pecked lines are the Public Footpaths. The footpath between Derwent Drive and Grisedale Gardens that runs along the edge of the field and behind the houses in Grisedale Gardens (shown in thinner black pecked line) is not a Public Footpath but a permissive path.

We have also been made aware that a gate has been erected behind the “car parking” area in Mitchley Ave. We have been asked if this is allowed. Yes, a farmer is perfectly entitled to gate a field and fence it (at a sensible height). There is no Public Footpath entrance at this point. As long as the Public Footpaths are accessible, this is allowed.

What the farmer is trying to do, is make people walk on the Public Footpaths, rather than across the fields and his crops!

UPDATE 27/5/17 - Farmland in Mitchley Ave & Rectory Park

The RRA have been contacted over the last few days by some residents concerned about GL Hearn (Property Consultants) who spoke at the Croydon Local Plan hearing on Tuesday morning (23/5/17), on behalf of Bovis Homes.

Bovis were asking the Planning Inspector that Croydon Council remove the Green Belt status on the farmland in Riddlesdown (Mitchley Ave, Rectory Park/Mitchley Hill).

The RRA have been attending a number of the hearing sessions but we were not made aware this subject would be discussed on Tuesday morning, as these sites had not been listed for discussion. However, Sanderstead Ward Cllr Yvette Hopley was present and she gave evidence to the hearing defending the Green Belt. Bovis say exceptional circumstances allow for schools to be built on Green Belt land (i.e. Riddlesdown Collegiate) so why not houses!

The RRA are of the view that Bovis are taking a shot in the dark with this. National Planning Policy is very clear that Local Planning Authorities (LPA) can only consider Green Belt de-designation where they can demonstrate they cannot meet their housing need through other brownfield, higher densities, conversions etc. In other words, it’s a very high bar that the LPA would have to achieve to justify Green Belt release.

Post note 1/2/20 - see this link

UPDATE 20/5/17 - Farmland in Mitchley Ave & Rectory Park
Some residents may have noticed, that some works are taking place on the farmland opposite the shops in Mitchley Ave.

It has been established via the Council that this work is bona fide and the new tenant of the land intends taking a hay crop on a commercial basis. The tenant has been made aware by the Council, of all the Tree Preservation Orders on trees around the field.

We have subsequently found out via our Facebook page who the new tenant is. This message was posted on 19 May;

Hello Riddlesdown residents

We would like to introduce ourselves we are Church Farm Services and we are the new tenants of the land at Mitchley Ave and Mitchley Hill if you would like to find out more about us please visit our website or our Facebook page.

We are intending to reseed the fields with long term grass leys this autumn and cut it for hay and haylage next summer.

We hope that all the local residents will find that we look after the fields in an appropriate way. Rest assured at our home farm in Woldingham we have over 100 species of birds and our farming practices take wildlife in general into consideration.

This is good news, as the field has been left uncultivated for about 3 years now.

We also understand it is the intention of Church Farm Services to take hay crop from the other piece of farmland off Rectory Park / Mitchley Hill. The Council advise that from their records, there are no tree restrictions on this field.


Berkshire Homes have sold the plot of land in Dunmail Drive (r/o 36 - 60 Honister Heights) and opposite Riddlesdown Collegiate gates, at a Barnard Marcus Auction on 10 April 2017 for £110,000. The land was purchased for £148,000 in June 2014.

The land is Green Belt and was also subject to a recent Planning Inspector’s decision to dismiss the appeal for the building of 4 detached houses in 2013 (see update 17/12/13 below).


Application 15/04493/P

The appeal by the owner of the horse grazing land in Mitchley Hill, adjoining the bottom end of Dunmail Drive has been dismissed by Planning Inspector on 2 September 2016. This now means the owner will have to remove some of the hardstand and re-instate the grass area and reduce the height of the gates.

The Inspector’s report can be downloaded on this link

Planning Decision - APPEAL DISMISSED 2/9/16 - TO APPEAL 4/5/16 - REFUSED - Land Adjacent, Dunmail Drive (Mitchley Hill frontage), 15/04493/P - 07 Oct 2015 - Retention of security gates and agricultural turning area. Planning link

Background Information - Despite objections from the RRA and Councillor Tim Pollard, the owner of the land in Mitchley Hill, beside the Dunmail Drive accessway, was granted planning permission in February 2013, for the formation of a vehicular access onto Mitchley Hill and the construction of a small turning area within the site. This planning permission was granted by the Planning Committee, where Cllr Tim Pollard voiced his objections.

In early 2014, the owner was then granted subsequent planning permission to erect the gates and fencing and to discharge some conditions on the 2013 decision. The owner erected a wooden post and rail, and barbed wire fence all around the site, erecting gates and digging a trench for a water supply and forming a hardstand area for vehicles.

In late October 2015, another planning application was submitted by the owner for the retention of the security gates and an agricultural hardstand/turning area. This application had to be submitted because the Planning Enforcement Officer had noted the hardstand area was much larger than had originally been given permission for – 12 metres deep by 9 metres wide, compared to what has been built of 35 metres from the back edge of the pavement by 17.6 metres at its widest point on the turning area. This was a retrospective planning application because most of the works have already been carried out.

We know that some residents objected to this application and objections were also made by Croydon South MP, Chris Philp and Councillor Lynne Hale. Because the RRA’s objections were ignored in February 2013, we have made no objections on this particular application. However, we have made some observations to the Planning Department about the excessive depth of the hardstand stand and also the height of the gates fronting the highway.

We have learnt on 11 December 2015 that this application has been refused by the Planning Officer without a referral to the Planning Committee. The reason(s) for refusal:-

1. The proposal would be detrimental to the visual amenities and the open character of the Metropolitan Green Belt contrary to the NPPF, Policies 7.4, 7.6 and 7.16 of the London Plan 2015 (Consolidated with Alterations since 2011), Policies SP1.2, SP4.1, SP4.2 and SP7.2 of the Croydon Local Plan: Strategic Policies (2013) and Policies.


Wineham Investments again put the plot of land in Dunmail Drive (r/o 36 - 60 Honister Heights) and opposite Riddlesdown Collegiate gates, to a Barnard Marcus Auction on 24 June 2014 The land was sold for £148,000 (Lot 124)  

They also put a small plot of woodland (Lot 119) opposite 18/20 Honister Heights to the same auction and this sold for £300.

Both areas of land are Green Belt and the land in Dunmail Drive was also subject to the recent Planning Inspector’s decision to dismiss the appeal for the  building of 4 detached houses (see update 17/12/13 below).


Wineham Investments put the plot of land in Dunmail Drive opposite Riddlesdown Collegiate gates, to a Barnard Marcus Auction on 5 February 2014. Lot 87. This land previously went to auction on 6 February 2013 but did not reach the reserve price (see update below of 24/1/13).

The Auction details state that “a planning application has been submitted to Croydon Council for the erection of 4 detached houses.” This part is correct but Croydon Council did refuse the application on 20 March 2013, the applicant then appealed and the Planning Inspector dismissed the appeal on 16 December 2013. The Auction details are therefore not up to date! This Green Belt land is also subject to a blanket Tree Preservation Order issued by Croydon Council TPO No.16; 2013. The guide price is £80,000.

Wineham’s also put two parcels of woodland opposite the houses in Honister Heights and backing onto Riddlesdown Common to the same auction. The guide price for each of these plots is £8,000. This Green Belt land is also subject to a blanket Tree Preservation Order issued by Croydon Council TPO No.28; 2010.

Lot 30 - Sold for £12,500

Lot 31 - Sold for £10,500


The RRA have been advised by Croydon Council that most of the woodland in Dunmail Drive, Mitchley Ave and Honister Heights are now covered by blanket Tree Preservation Orders (TPO’s). The Council have made these new TPO’s following the felling of many trees on land opposite the Collegiate gates in Dunmail Drive in August 2011 and May 2012, and the two subsequent planning applications on this Green Belt land for housing, both of which were refused by Croydon Council. One of the planning applications for 4 houses was then dismissed by Planning Inspector on appeal in December 2013. This is indeed good news and one that the RRA, local residents and the Sanderstead Ward Councillors have been campaigning for, for some time.

Some of these TPO’s are historic but most are recent. The Plans can be viewed by clicking on the links below.

TPO No. 46; 1958 relates to Mitchley Wood off Dunmail Drive - Link

TPO No. 4; 2006 relates to Mitchley Wood and part of Ragged Grove - Link

TPO No. 28; 2010 relates to Woodland opposite 16/60 Honister Heights - Link

TPO No. 8; 2013 relates to Woodland r/o 36 to 46 Honister Heights - Link

TPO No. 16; 2013 relates to some land in Dunmail Drive and r/o 1 to 21 Grisedale Gdns - Link

TPO No 9; 2014 relates to woodland in  Dunmail Drive & opposite 135 to 159 Mitchley Ave - Link

If any resident now sees any tree felling occurring on this land they should contact Croydon Council’s Planning Enforcement Officers immediately on 020 8726 6000. These TPO’s now mean it is now an offence to fell or lop any trees on these parcels of land without prior approval from the Council.

The RRA also understand that a Tree Felling Licence is also required from the Forestry Commission, if more than 5 cubic metres of timber is felled, although exemptions do apply - see link.  Again if residents notice felling of trees on this land, or in other woodland areas of Riddlesdown, as well as contacting Croydon Council, enquiries should also be made with the Forestry England, on tel: 0300 067 4000. Link


The RRA have learnt the planning application that was refused by Croydon Council on 23 March 2013 for the erection of 4, two storey detached houses, rear of  36/60 Honister Heights has now had the appeal dismissed on 16 December 2013, by the Planning Inspector. This land is Green Belt.

This is indeed excellent news and is welcomed by the RRA and many local residents.

The Inspector rejected the appeal, mainly for three reasons. These briefly are that:

A full transcript of the Planning Inspector’s decision can be viewed on this Link

Background - In January 2013, the RRA again argued against this development on Green Belt Land and we also had the support of all the Sanderstead Ward Councillors. Many local residents also objected. Councillor Tim Pollard, made a referral, which means that if the Planners had recommended approval, it would have had to be taken to the Planning Committee for their decision. However the Planners decided to oppose it on the following reasons:  “The proposal would constitute inappropriate development, detrimental to the open character of the Metropolitan Green Belt and would thereby conflict with Policies SP5 and RO1 of the Croydon Replacement Unitary Development Plan (The Croydon Plan) 2006 Saved Policies and Policy 7.16 of the London Plan 2011 and Policy SP7.2 Croydon Local Plan: Strategic Policies”.


Wineham Investments have put the plot of former woodland in Dunmail Drive opposite Riddlesdown Collegiate gates, to a Barnard Marcus Auction on 6 February 2013.

Auction link

The Auction details state that “a planning application has been submitted to Croydon Council for the erection of 4 detached houses.” The RRA have now been informed by Croydon Council’s Planning Department that this is correct and an application 13/00181/P was registered with them on 23 January 2013. Planning Link

A previous planning application for 9 houses (12/00999/P) Planning link was refused on this land by Croydon Council in September 2012, as the land is Green Belt. However, the fact that the land is Green Belt is not mentioned in the Auctioneer’s on line details!  

The RRA will keep residents advised on this application and we will be opposing the planning application, in order to protect the Green Belt, which Croydon Council have stated in their Core Strategy, which is due to be effective from April 2013, that “the Green Belt will be protected.” Residents are advised to make their own representations to the Council on this application.


Lot 109 - Guide Price £25,000. Barnard Marcus Link  “Unsold, the last bid was £19,000 and is available at £25,000.”

Wineham Investments have put a further woodland plot, opposite the even numbered houses in Honister Heights (roughly mid way along), to a Barnard Marcus Auction on 18 December 2012.

Again, just for clarification, this land is Metropolitan Green Belt and is also a Site of Metropolitan/Borough Importance for Nature Conservation and is also a site of Archaeological Importance. There is also a blanket tree preservation order, for all species of trees (No 28; 2010) made on 25 May 2010, on this woodland strip, opposite 16-60 Honister Heights, so no trees can be felled without permission. However, these facts are not mentioned in the Auctioneer’s on line details!

Land r/o 36/60 Honister Heights & Fronting Dunmail Drive

As many residents will be aware, the owner has felled many trees on this site. The RRA and a number of Councillors have been requesting the Council to do something to preserve the remaining trees on the site and we are pleased to report the Council did act and in May 2013 they put TPO’s (Tree Preservation Orders) on all the remaining trees on this land. This is indeed good news and preserves what remains of this woodland.

If any resident now sees any tree felling occurring on this land they should contact Croydon Council’s Planning Enforcement Officers immediately on 020 8726 6000. The RRA also understand that a Tree Felling Licence is also required from the Forestry Commission, if more than 5 cubic metres of timber is felled, although some exemptions do apply. If residents notice tree felling on this land, or in other woodland areas of Riddlesdown, as well as contacting Croydon Council, enquiries should also be made with the Forestry Commission in Bristol, on Tel: 0117 906 6000.


A planning application to build nine residential properties has been submitted to Croydon Council’s Planning Department, for this Green Belt woodland on 10 April 2012. This application has now been refused by Croydon Council on 6 September 2012

APPLICATION REFUSED Woodland in Dunmail Drive, (R/O 36-60 Honister Heights) – 12/00999/P - 18/05/2012 - Erection of 9 two-storey single-family-dwellinghouses. (see Planning link below for the plans and raising objections). This land is Metropolitan Green Belt. Planning link

The RRA again argued against this development on Green Belt Land and we also had the support of all the Sanderstead Ward Councillors. Councillor Tim Pollard, made a referral, which means that if the Planners had agreed to the application, it would have had to be taken to the Planning Committee for their decision. However the Planners decided to oppose it on the following reasons:

1. The proposal would constitute inappropriate development, detrimental to the open character of the Metropolitan Green Belt and would thereby conflict with Policies SP5 and RO1 of the Croydon Replacement Unitary Development Plan (The Croydon Plan) 2006 Saved Policies and Policy 7.16 of the London Plan 2011

2. It has not been sufficiently demonstrated that the development would not compromise the retention of a number of visually important trees. The potential loss of these trees would be detrimental to the character of the area and the proposal is, therefore, contrary to Policies UD 2 and NC4 of the Croydon Replacement Unitary Development Plan (the Croydon Plan) 2006 Saved Policies and Policy 7.21 of the London Plan 2011


A planning application for two residential properties has been submitted to Croydon Council’s Planning Department, for this Green Belt woodland on 10 April 2012. This application has now been refused by Croydon Council on 1 June 2012.

APPLICATION REFUSED Land South of 13 Honister Heights - 12/00359/P – 10/4/12 - Construction of two single family dwelling houses. Planning Link

The RRA argued against this development on Green Belt Land and we also had the support of all the Sanderstead Ward Councillors. Councillor Tim Pollard, made a referral, which means that if the Planners had agreed to the application, it would have had to be taken to the Planning Committee for their decision. However the Planners decided to oppose it on the following reasons:

Schedule for Application No:- 12/00359/P

Decision: Permission Refused

Reason(s) for refusal :-

1. The proposal would be inappropriate development and detrimental to the openness of the Metropolitan Green Belt and is likely to harm the Site of Nature Conservation Importance and would thereby conflict with Policies UD2, SP5, RO1, RO6 and NC1 of the Croydon Replacement Unitary Development Plan (The Croydon Plan) 2006 Saved Policies.

2. Having regard to the illustrative details accompanying the application, it is likely the development would be detrimental to the amenities of the occupiers of adjoining property by reason of its siting and massing and would thereby conflict with Policies UD2 and UD8 of the Croydon Replacement Unitary Development Plan (The Croydon Plan) 2006 Saved Policies and Supplementary Planning Document No 2 on Residential Extensions and Alterations.

3. The trees on this site are subject to woodland tree preservation order 28 of 2010, confirmed on 29/06/2010. The trees are important components of the preserved woodland and make a significant contribution to the sylvan character of the area. The proposal, by virtue of the illustrative siting of the dwellings and the amenity space, is likely to result in the removal of most of the woodland currently on the site. The loss of the trees as a result of this

application is detrimental to the character of the area and is contrary to Policies UD9 ,NC4 & UD2 of the Croydon Replacement Unitary Development Plan (The Croydon Plan) 2006 Saved Policies


Wineham Investments put a further 3 woodland plots opposite the even numbered houses in Honister Heights, to a Barnard Marcus Auction on 24 May 2012.

Lot 51 - Plot C, sold for £8,000.

Lot 134 - Plots F & G - Remain unsold. The last bid was £7,000 and is available at £10,000.


The RRA have learnt that Wineham Investments are putting to a Barnard Marcus Auction on 17 April 2012, a section of the woodland they own, adjoining 13 Honister Heights. Lot 115.  Sold for £30,000 -


Wineham Investments subsequently put to Auction on 11 October 2011, the 10.8 acres of woodland to the west side of Dunmail Drive (on the right side, going up the hill from Mitchley Hill but excluding the Scout hut). This woodland was not sold at Auction but was sold “subsequently for an undisclosed amount” to an unknown purchaser.

Six parcels of land in our area are being put up for auction on 12 September 2011 by Barnard Marcus. This sale is on behalf of Wineham Investments, the Company who purchased the land from Taylor Wimpey in 2009.

The six plots are:

Lot 72 – 16.7 acres of farmland in Mitchley Ave (opposite the shops). - Unsold, the last bid was £197,000 and is available at £240,000.

Lot 73 – 10.8 acres of woodland running up on the right side of Dunmail Drive (west) from Mitchley Hill. - Unsold, the last bid was £50,000. Please refer to Auctioneer for Reserve.

Lot 139 – 13.5 acres of farmland on north side of Mitchley Hill (eastern part) – (being split in two with Lot 140). - Withdrawn Prior to Auction.

Lot 140 - 11.4 acres of farmland on north side of Mitchley Hill and east side of Rectory Park(being split in two with Lot 139). - Withdrawn Prior to Auction.

Lot 143 - 4.6 acres of woodland and paddock at end of Grisedale Gardens up to Dunmail Drive (north side of “white path”). - Unsold, the last bid was £85,000 and is available at £100,000.

Lot 144 – 1.7 acres of woodland behind properties in Grisedale Gardens and Honister Heights and Dunmail Drive. - Unsold, the last bid was £160,000 and is available at £200,000.

Although not detailed in the Auction details, all the land is Greenbelt Land and under current planning rules, cannot be built on with houses. Some of the plots also have a blanket Tree Preservation Orders on them, so no trees can be felled without prior approval from Croydon Council. Croydon Council’s Planning Department have said they will again write to the auctioneers and request that this is pointed out to potential bidders at the auction. The RRA will continue to monitor the situation and liaise closely with the Sanderstead Ward Councillors and Croydon Planning Department who are being very supportive.

Update as at 14 March 2010

The RRA has learnt that the sale to an unknown bidder has fallen through and all the land is again for sale, as one lot, via the Agents Savills. The RRA will continue to monitor the situation.

The prices of the lots sold at the auction on 26 May 2010 were as follows:

Lots 16 -21 Land Honister Hts

   Lot 16 (A) - Honister Hts - Sold £10k

   Lot 17 (B) - Sold £10k

   Lot 18 (C) - withdrawn

   Lot 19 (F) - Unsold - Reserve £15k - nearest bid £11.5k

   Lot 20 (G) - Unsold - Reserve £15k - nearest bid £12.5K

   Lot 21 (M) - Sold - £30K

Lot 52 - Land Mitchley Ave - Sold £95k

Lot 61 - Land/Woodland adj School - Sold £50k

Lot 110 - Woodland, Adj Mitchley Ave - Unsold - reserve £50k - nearest bid £48k

Lot 112 - Mitchley Hill land - Unsold - Reserve £30k - nearest bid £26k



September 2009

The RRA Committee are aware that all the land owned by Taylor Wimpey, which comprises the farmland off Mitchley Hill, farmland off Mitchley Avenue, Mitchley Wood, and woodlands off Dunmail Drive and woodland in Honister Heights, is all currently on the market for freehold sale, either as one or in separate lots.

This land is all greenbelt land and subject to current planning laws and is not available for development.

The committee will be monitoring this situation very carefully.

Update 17.9.09: The RRA has learnt from the agents, Savills, that this land was subject to 'best and final offers' on Friday 11 Sept 09 and that all 6 plots are currently under offer to a single unknown bidder.

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