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Riddlesdown Collegiate

Further information about the Collegiate can be obtained from the Collegiate’s website - Link

Acting Principal of Riddlesdown Collegiate; Mr Daniel Osborne (from Nov 2024)

Chief Executive - The Collegiate Trust; Mr Soumick Dey.

The Trust’s website

Information for Residents

Updated 24/10/24

This page covers news and information from the Riddlesdown Collegiate. Some residents will have previously known the School, by the name of Riddlesdown High School. The School changed its name in September 2009. The Collegiate is now broken down into four Colleges of about 400 pupils each, plus a Creative and Performing Arts College and a 6th Form College.

This Collegiate is now the largest secondary school within the London Borough of Croydon, with about 2,070 students attending it and 200 staff. Our Chairman Brian Longman, is the RRA Riddlesdown Collegiate Liaison Officer. Brian (as well as some other committee members) have a lot of contact with the Collegiate Principal, and the Chief Executive of the Collegiate Trust; Mr Soumick Dey and we liaise with them on a regular basis.

If any local resident(s) have concerns about the behaviour of students entering and leaving the Collegiate, litter, or large events that the School hold, or indeed praise for the Collegiate students and staff, then please feel free to contact us, via our e-mail address Riddlesdownresidents@gmail.com

Riddlesdown Collegiate Term Dates

Information below, taken from Riddlesdown Collegiate website (7/12/23)
Term dates

School Times and Facilities

Normal school day timings ;

8.30am – 3 pm EVERY day.

However, there are various after school clubs (and some weekend activities), meaning that some schoolchildren pass through Riddlesdown later than these times.

The 6th Form pupils also pass through Riddlesdown at different times, depending on when they have lessons and breaks during the day. There are also some ‘holiday clubs’ running in the school holidays. These are listed on the Collegiate website.


Half Term - Monday 17th February 2025 to Friday 21st February 2025 (inclusive)

End of Spring Term - Friday 4th April 2025

Start of Summer Term - Tuesday 22nd April 2025

Half Term - Monday 26th May 2025 to Friday 30th May 2025 Inclusive)

End of Summer Term - Friday 18th July 2025


Start of Summer Term - Tuesday 2nd September 2025

Half Term - Monday 20th October 2025 to Friday 31st October 2025

End of Term - Friday 19th December 2025

Start of Spring Term - Monday 5th January 2026

Half Term - Monday 16th February 2026 to Friday 20th February 2026

End of Term of Spring Term - Friday 27th March 2026

Start of Term of Summer Term - Monday 13th April 2026

Half Term - Monday 25th May 2026 to Friday 29th May 2026

End of Summer Term - Friday 17th July 2026

Update 6/1/20

We have also sought clarification from Mr Dey about the release of children early (lunchtime) at the end of each full term. Mr Dey advises us that this only applies at the end of the Autumn and Summer terms i.e. December and July. It does not apply at the end of the Spring term (just before Easter, either in March or April)) when children will be in the Collegiate for the full day. Although TfL are advised of the early closure on these two days by the Collegiate, it doesn't necessarily mean there will be additional buses (or the 612 running) to take the children home, when the Collegiate finish early on these days. But the Collegiate and the RRA will try and seek clarification from TfL about this.

Collegiate Report (from The Riddlesdown Recorder- Summer 2024)

By Dr Parimal Bhatt Principal

It is a pleasure to be writing my first article in the Riddlesdown Recorder as Principal of Riddlesdown Collegiate. I enjoyed meeting members of the Riddlesdown Resident’s Association along with the Headteacher of Pegasus College, Mr Lee Harkness, to discuss how to create an even stronger bond between our students and our community. We are in the process of planning a series of community projects to take place over the next academic year and look forward to sharing news about these in this publication as well as our Collegiate newsletters, ‘The Riddlesdown Read’ and ‘The Collegiate Chronicles.’ I invite you to follow us on our Facebook, Linked In, or X social media accounts for the latest updates about Collegiate life.

It has been a very busy academic year so far at the Collegiate, with many important weeks to come, with examinations, showcase events, sports day and the Summer Concert. However as the days become longer and the un shines brighter, it is an opportunity to pause and reflect on the highlights to date this academic year.

During the Autumn Term, we opened our doors to prospective families holding Open Evenings for our Year 7 and College VI 2024 cohorts. It was a delight to see and hear the pride our students have in their school and they truly are great ambassadors for our community. Our students use the word ‘family’ when describing Riddlesdown Collegiate and this is because of the ‘small schools’ model. Seeing the same close-knit group of students and staff in a College on a daily basis, means we have people who really o care for and support one another. It has been a privilege to witness so many acts of kindness amongst our students, particularly our older students guiding our younger ones; be it helping them to read, teaching them coding, or raising funds for charity together. It is this atmosphere which makes Riddlesdown Collegiate such a special place to work and learn and it is that ethos of care underpinned by our values which results in us being the school of choice for so many families.

Our curriculum really came to life during the latter part of the Autumn Term, with many clubs and societies in full flow. Our College VI students led psychology, medicine, and South Asian societies. The Creative and Performing Arts College was bustling with excitement during rehearsals for the Christmas Concerts and preparations for the whole school production of Beauty and the Beast. Furthermore, the cold and wet winter months did not dampen the spirits of our keen sportspeople. Be it football, trampolining, Jiu Jitsu, basketball, rugby, or netball, students showed great dedication by doing their best during their training sessions and matches. This has resulted in great sporting success so far this year. We have a number of students signed up to and training with professional football clubs, including Crystal Palace and West Ham and are also building an incredibly successful Year 7 rugby team. Our Under-13 girls football team has been one of the best performing in the country, reaching the semi- finals of the National Cup and are preparing for the County Cup final. Sports and creativity will always be an integral part of our curriculum because the knowledge and skills developed through these activities are long- lasting and help students to develop a sense of character and identity.

Now that we have put the restrictions of the pandemic behind us, it us great to see our teachers prepare novel and memorable educational opportunities for our students. We have had many fairs, trips, and visits this year, with students engaging with mathematics and languages competitions, science fairs, and visiting universities, museums, galleries and laboratories. We have over 100 students participating in Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and many more have been on field trips learning about research and data analysis. We also had the pleasure of hosting a large and well-attended further study and careers fair with students able to speak with professionals from a range of fields including photography, engineering, education, media, oil exploration, law and finance.

Leadership is a core characteristic we want our students to develop. Students have organised activities to improve reading, knowledge of current affairs, understanding of different faiths and cultures as well as issues relating to identity. During the summer term, students are focusing on preparing activities which will develop an understanding of how to care for and take an active role as citizens to improve the environment. Projects will focus on recycling, litter, sustainable materials, and protecting bees. Leadership for us is about our young people shaping a better future for society. Our role is to guide them and help them to thrive in this endeavour. It is a privilege to work with our young people and serve our families.

I look forward to continuing our work with the Riddlesdown community

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