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To confirm the status of a “SUBMITTED” application, click on the planning application number below which will take you to Croydon Council’s Planning website. Any written representations on a planning application, either objecting, neutral, or objecting, can be made on line, by clicking on the “Comments” tab on the Council’s website. Or you can e-
Purley Baptist Church Sites and 17 storey Tower
Redevelopment Site
APPEAL ALLOWED by Secretary of State 9/7/20
Second Public Inquiry took place from 3 to 6 December 2019
LEGAL CHALLENGE LODGED BY THE DEVELOPER against the Secretary of State (MHCLG), the London Borough of Croydon & the GLA 14/1/19;
PUBLIC INQUIRY took place from 9 January 2018;
GRANTED BY LBC 15/12/16 Purley Baptist Church and Hall, Banstead Road, 1-
Public Inquiry held on 3 to 6 December 2019
Update 14/12/19
The second Public Inquiry for the 17 storey Purley tower and associated development took place between 3 and 6 December 2019. The Planning Inspector was Mr Paul Jackson BArch RIBA. The RRA and six other local Residents' Associations again acted as the Rule 6 Party.
The RAs (Rule 6 Party) held two useful meetings with the Purley Baptist Church and the developer Thornsett in June and October and we agreed a certain number of points which were not raised at the latest Inquiry. However the main matters of dispute still outstanding and are not agreed, which the Inspector discussed at the Inquiry. These are primarily;
1. Effect of the proposals on the character and appearance of the area;
2. The height of the tower, together with overshadowing to Purley District Centre and wind tunnel affect to surrounding streets; [The Rule 6 Party does not agree that some of the residential units should be housed within a 17 storey tower. The Rule 6 Party considers the units should be spread over both sites, without the need for a 17 storey tower];
3. Consistency with Development Plan policies;
4. Impact on heritage assets;
5. Vehicular access/exit to and from Russell Hill Rd on the island site;
6. Air Quality – principally in relation to 5 above, associated air quality with traffic movements to and from the island site and with further updates from the parties generally.
New updated documents/statements including opening and closing statements from the Rule 6 Party can be viewed on Croydon Council's website.
Photo credit (and source) below viewed from Brighton Rd -
The two CGIs below, taken from Croydon Council's website and ‘Andrew Matthews Supplemental Proof of Evidence dated November 2019' show the scheme from Banstead Rd by the Library and from Brighton Rd by Tesco.
SUBMITTED Land at 3-
GRANTED (see below) 26-
Updated 18/1/25
New Proposals for the Redevelopment of Purley Leisure Centre and Multi-
Seven local Residents’ Associations (RAs) in and around the Purley area have got together to look at the controversial planning application from Polaska to demolish the multi-
Whilst all the RAs are very keen to see a new leisure centre built in Purley, serving our area, we believe this should not be at any cost. In addition, to our concerns about the financial stability of the developer and the height of the buildings, which do not comply with the current Croydon Local Plan, we are particularly concerned about the loss of the 424 car parking spaces currently available in the public multi-
In the new development, there will only be 50 parking spaces available for public use, including 5 disabled parking bays. There will also be 28 parking spaces available for the Integrated Retirement Community, including 4 disabled spaces which, although initially will be available for public use, will revert to the Retirement Community once the apartments have been built and occupied, if they need them. Effectively, this means there will not be an increase in the number of car parking spaces from the previous plans submitted. There will only be 50 public spaces in comparison to the current 424 spaces. The RAs believe some of these 50 spaces will also be reserved for electric vehicle charging, as well as 5 disabled spaces. There will be no priority for users of the leisure centre.
Additionally, planning permission has been granted for the redevelopment of the Purley railway station car park for 238 flats and up to 9 storeys high, plus a new smaller station car park, which is also on Whytecliffe Road South. We believe the loss of the 374 spaces from the multi-
This belief is amplified by the parking projections in the application which show there is a deficit of 14 spaces at peak time in Purley once the 374 spaces are gone. This assumes the Tesco Car Park will not be available to take the users currently using the multi-
Additionally, a new significantly larger Mosque is currently being built on Whytecliffe Road South. When planning permission was granted in March 2021, it was inferred in the reports that their members would be able to park in the Purley multi-
The seven RAs believe it is very difficult to see how there will be sufficient parking spaces for the users of the leisure centre, hospital, railway station and Mosque, in addition to people wanting to eat and shop in the town after the completion of all these developments and we believe it could be the ‘death knell’ for some shops and restaurants in Purley town centre, through lack of custom. Also, can the leisure centre be viable with so little prioritised parking?
Please consider objecting to these new proposals by midnight on Thursday 6 February 2025 on this link to the Croydon Council’s planning website
Information from; Riddlesdown RA, Hartley & District RA, East Coulsdon RA, Selsdon RA, Croham Valley RA, Old Coulsdon RA, and Coulsdon West RA.
SUBMITTED Purley Leisure Centre 50 High Street Purley -
This application is for a new leisure centre, plus 220 Later Living flats-
Update 11/1/25 -
Update 16/5/24
As residents will be aware, proposals have been put forward by Polaska Assets Ltd and the Council to demolish the existing 424 space multi-
Whilst the RAs are keen to see a new swimming pool and gym built, we are concerned about the huge reduction in the public car park numbers, and the possible effect this could have on the Purley District Centre and the height of some of the 'Later Living' blocks of flats. The seven RAs have written a number of times to the Executive Mayor to raise our concerns.
Representatives from the seven RAs met with the Executive Mayor, three Ward Cllrs and Chris Philp MP on 23 April. The RAs raised a number of comments from our objection letter which was submitted to the Planning Dept just after the meeting. Our primary concern is the much reduced public parking for Purley town centre from 424 parking spaces to just 50 spaces.
More details can be seen on Polaska Assets website on this link