The Riddlesdown Recorder
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Adopted at the AGM on 20 May 2022
1. Name: The Association shall be named the 'RIDDLESDOWN RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION' hereinafter called the 'Association'.
2. Area: The geographical area of the Association is defined by the streets membership map and street names on the Association's website: (link to the RRA area map)
3. Objects: The objects of the Association shall be:
3. (a): To represent the interests of, and promote membership to all the residents within the defined geographical area of the Association.
3. (b): To ensure that all Members are consulted and informed regularly and the opinions of Members are submitted to the appropriate Local Authorities and other organisations when necessary.
3. (c): To work towards improving the quality of life for local people and the community.
3. (d): To assist and promote social activities for recreation and enjoyment, and encourage a community spirit and sense of responsibility.
3. (e): The Association shall be non-
4. Membership: shall be available to all households within the boundaries of the Association, as defined by the streets membership map on the Association's website. Households in streets abutting the Association's area may be eligible for dual membership with their own Residents' Association subject to the Executive Committee's Approval. However, the Association cannot object, or ask for a referral on any planning application that is not abutting the Association's immediate area. The Association cannot guarantee that the Recorder magazine will be delivered to any dwelling outside of the Association's area, as the Association have no Road Stewards allocated for those streets. All households who are paid Members of the Association shall be called 'Members.'
5. Subscriptions: All subscriptions shall be payable annually. The rate and method of the annual subscription shall be recommended by the Executive Committee from time to time and approved by the Annual General Meeting.
6. Management: The day to day business of the Association shall be led and managed by the elected Executive Committee, comprising of the Senior Officers of the Association and up to 15 other elected Executive Committee Members.
6. (a): The Senior Officers of the Association shall be the Chairman, the Vice Chairman and the Treasurer, all of whom shall have been elected at the previous Annual General Meeting. In addition up to 15 other Committee Members shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting by a block vote of Members present at the Annual General Meeting. All nominations for an Executive Committee position are to be welcomed from a household who are members of the Association. Members of the Riddlesdown community may take up a position on the Executive Committee after an Annual General Meeting, but cannot take a Senior Officer role unless elected by Members at the following Annual General Meeting.
6. (b): The Association's Executive Committee meeting shall be seen as quorate when at least five elected Executive Committee Members are present and this must include at least one of the Senior Officers.
6. (c): The Executive Committee shall hold a meeting bi-
6. (d): The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining a bank or building society account in the name of the Association and keeping records of the Association's income and expenditure. The Treasurer shall report on the financial records in such form as the Executive Committee shall specify at each Executive Committee Meeting.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the safe custody of the accounting records and all funds of the Association. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for ensuring procedures are established for the proper authorisation of payments by more than one person.
The Association's financial year end is the 31st December and the Treasurer shall ensure the financial records are audited annually by an independent Examiner approved by the Executive Committee and confirmed at the Annual General Meeting.
6. (e): The Executive Committee shall have the power to act on any contingency arising between Executive Committee Meetings and to temporarily fill any vacancy that may arise prior to the next Annual General Meeting.
6. (f): The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-
6. (g): Elected local Ward Councillors may be invited to attend meetings of the Executive Committee but as Councillors they shall have no vote.
7. The Annual General Meeting: shall be held between March and May for the purpose of receiving the annual report, a report of the financial records, and election of the Senior Officers and Members of the Executive Committee. The quorum shall be 20 Members of the Association for all Annual General Meetings. At least seven days notice shall be given of such meetings to all Members.
7. (a): The Association's examined financial records for the previous financial year shall be presented to the following Annual General Meeting.
7. (b): An independent Examiner, who is not a Member of the Executive Committee, shall be named and confirmed at the Annual General Meeting, to audit the current year's financial records.
7. (c): Decisions at the Annual General Meeting, or Executive Committee Meetings, except where otherwise provided for in these Rules, shall be taken by a simple majority vote of Members present. The Chairman and/or the Vice Chairman (whoever is chairing the meeting) will, if necessary, have the final casting vote.
7. (d): Extraordinary General Meetings of the Association may be called at any time on application in writing to both the Chairman and Vice Chairman, or on the instruction of the Executive Committee. Extraordinary General Meetings called for by Members must be fully advertised to all Members and take place within 60 days of receipt of a request supported by not less than 50 Members of the Association. The request must specify the business to be brought before the Extraordinary General Meeting. No business other than that stated on the Agenda shall be dealt with at the Extraordinary General Meeting.
8. Dissolution: The Association shall not be dissolved except by the vote of three quarters of the Members present and voting at an Extraordinary Meeting, where on the Agenda, the question of dissolution will appear. For the sole purpose of dissolution, a quorum of 20 Members must apply.
8. (a): On dissolution of the Association, any surplus funds shall be paid to local charities, or to other adjoining Residents' Associations who may take over the Membership of the Association's area. This will be decided by the outgoing Executive Committee within a period of 12 months. Any assets remaining after settling any liabilities shall be applied for the benefit of the community in accordance with the aims of the Association.
8. (b): In addition, any monies that are ring fenced should be held in Trust with a registered bank approved by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (or subsequent named Authority), until such times as they can be appropriated for the intended use.
8. (c): The ring fenced monies (named as 'Restricted Funds -
9. Alterations to the Rules: Any alterations to these rules shall only be made by resolution at the Annual General Meeting, or an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose.