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Riddlesdown Collegiate

Further information about the Collegiate can be obtained from the Collegiate’s website - Link

Principal of Riddlesdown Collegiate; Dr Parimal Bhatt

Chief Executive - The Collegiate Trust; Mr Soumick Dey.

The Trust’s website

Information for Residents

Update 16/5/24

This page covers news and information from the Riddlesdown Collegiate. Some residents will have previously known the School, by the name of Riddlesdown High School. The School changed its name in September 2009. The Collegiate is now broken down into four Colleges of about 400 pupils each, plus a Creative and Performing Arts College and a 6th Form College.

This Collegiate is now the largest secondary school within the London Borough of Croydon, with about 2,070 students attending it and 200 staff. Our Chairman Brian Longman, is the RRA Riddlesdown Collegiate Liaison Officer. Brian (as well as some other committee members) have a lot of contact with the Collegiate Principal, Dr Parimal Bhatt and the Chief Executive of the Collegiate Trust; Mr Soumick Dey and we liaise with them on a regular basis.

If any local resident(s) have concerns about the behaviour of students entering and leaving the Collegiate, litter, or large events that the School hold, or indeed praise for the Collegiate students and staff, then please feel free to contact us, via our e-mail address Riddlesdownresidents@gmail.com

Riddlesdown Collegiate new Parents Open Evening on Thursday 26 September 2024 at 5pm to 9pm. More details to follow.

Riddlesdown Collegiate Term Dates

Information below, taken from Riddlesdown Collegiate website (7/12/23)
Term dates

School Times and Facilities

Normal school day timings ;

8.30am – 3 pm EVERY day.

However, there are various after school clubs (and some weekend activities), meaning that some schoolchildren pass through Riddlesdown later than these times.

The 6th Form pupils also pass through Riddlesdown at different times, depending on when they have lessons and breaks during the day. There are also some ‘holiday clubs’ running in the school holidays. These are listed on the Collegiate website.


End of Summer Term - Friday 19 July 2024 (students will be allowed home at lunchtime)

Start of Autumn Term - Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Half Term - Monday 21st October 2024 to Friday 1st November 2024 (inclusive)

End of Autumn Term - Friday 20th December 2024

Start of Spring Term - Monday 6th January 2025

Half Term - Monday 17th February 2025 to Friday 21st February 2025 (inclusive)

End of Spring Term - Friday 4th April 2025

Start of Summer Term - Tuesday 22nd April 2025

Half Term - Monday 26th May 2025 to Friday 30th May 2025 Inclusive)

End of Summer Term - Friday 18th July 2025

Update 6/1/20

We have also sought clarification from Mr Dey about the release of children early (lunchtime) at the end of each full term. Mr Dey advises us that this only applies at the end of the Autumn and Summer terms i.e. December and July. It does not apply at the end of the Spring term (just before Easter, either in March or April)) when children will be in the Collegiate for the full day. Although TfL are advised of the early closure on these two days by the Collegiate, it doesn't necessarily mean there will be additional buses (or the 612 running) to take the children home, when the Collegiate finish early on these days. But the Collegiate and the RRA will try and seek clarification from TfL about this.

Collegiate Report (from The Riddlesdown Recorder- Autumn 2022)

By Soumick Dey – Principal

Our students and staff returned to the Collegiate last September, full of hope and optimism for the academic year ahead. We were no longer operating in “bubbles” or with staggered timings and all students were able to return to their Colleges. We were delighted to be able to welcome visitors again and, just as in the pre-pandemic years, we saw over 2000 people through our doors across a series of Open Events in the autumn term. Whilst it would be incorrect to say that there was no further disruption to learning – student and staff absence has still been affected, and we have again had periods of face masks being worn in indoor spaces including classrooms – this academic year has certainly felt more “normal” than the previous two.

Students have been able to resume their engagement in all the wonderful activities that make school life special: competitive sport, playing in the orchestra, singing in the choir, putting on a play and learning off-site on educational visits. Next year, this programme will be further restored as we begin to take students abroad again for the first time in over two years. A real highlight this year was our production of Shrek the Musical – a fun, funny and joyful show, performed with huge talent and enthusiasm, the perfect “comeback” show after the forced hiatus in 2021.

At the same time, students have been working hard to ensure their good academic progress. GCSE and A-Level exams returned this summer and if grades were awarded on effort alone, we could expect to see some fabulous results in August! I am confident that students will have performed very well and their success will set them up for the next stage of their educational journey.

The Collegiate site has continued to be developed this year. Our College VI refurbishment programme has now been completed with the construction of two new classrooms, a brand new Fitness Suite and an extension to the College VI Café. Our facilities now match our ambitions and further demonstrate why College VI is the place to be for Sixth Form success. Clearly, many students, including a large number from other schools, agree as we have seen a significant increase in the number of applications and enrolments.

After 7 years in my current post, this will be my last report for the Riddlesdown Recorder as from September 2022, I will be stepping into the role of Chief Executive of The Collegiate Trust – the family of schools that Riddlesdown Collegiate is a part of. This follows the decision of my predecessor, Mr Gordon Smith, to retire this summer after twenty years in Croydon, nine of which were as Principal at Riddlesdown. Our school, as it is today, reflects the vision for an exceptional education for all that Mr Smith conceived many years ago. He introduced the small schools model in 2009, he encouraged cultural and creative learning as well as a focus on academic rigour, he oversaw huge capital projects and steered the school through its change to an academy. Since 2015, he has led The Collegiate Trust, still maintaining a keen interest in and support for Riddlesdown Collegiate and its community. Mr Smith’s legacy will leave a lasting impression on our school and, on behalf of everyone in our community, I would like to thank him for his enormous contribution to what has been achieved at Riddlesdown and wish him a very happy and relaxing retirement.

My successor as Principal will be Mrs Katie Turner, who already knows Riddlesdown well, having been a part of our team since 2013 and a student at Riddlesdown High School herself in the 90s! I know that she is looking forward to engaging with the community and I am grateful for the support that I know she will be given.

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