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Croydon Council Facilities,

Council Information, MP

and Contact Details

Information on Local Healthcare, Leisure,

Facilities & Shops

Police Contact Numbers;


and Scam Information

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Founded 1937

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70 Councillor seats (as at 1 July 2022)

Labour 34 seats; Conservative 33 seats,

Greens 2 seats and Liberal Democrats 1 seat

Executive Elected Mayor - Jason Perry (Con)

Deputy Mayor - Cllr Lynne Hale (Con)

Conservative Cabinet Members

Labour Shadow Cabinet Members

Elected Representatives

Tel: 020 8726 6000 or 020 8686 4433

Access Croydon and Call Centre open 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday

London Borough of Croydon;

Bernard Weatherill House

8 Mint Walk




Postal correspondence can be sent to each Councillor:

c/o Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon CR0 1NX


Cllr Alasdair Stewart

Mobile tel: 07716 092472

Email: alasdair.stewart@croydon.gov.uk Twitter : www.twitter.com/AlasdairIS

Cllr Endri Llabuti

Mobile tel: 07716 092461

Email: endri.llabuti@croydon.gov.uk Twitter : www.twitter.com/ELlabuti


Cllr Yvette Hopley

Tel: 020 8604 7033 (note this is a new Tel. number - Oct 2022)

Email; yvette.hopley@croydon.gov.uk Twitter : www.twitter.com/YvetteHopley

Cllr Lynne Hale

Tel: 020 8405 6721 or 07710 183 588

Email: lynne.hale@croydon.gov.uk

Cllr Helen Redfern

Tel: 07783 152334

Email: helen.redfern@croydon.gov.uk

PURLEY & WOODCOTE WARD (Conservative - for residents living at the top end of Downs Court Rd from the Mitchley Ave junction and Cranford Close only)

Cllr Simon Brew

Tel: 07803 618 096

Email: simon.brew@croydon.gov.uk

Cllr Samir Dwesar

Tel: 07716 092471

Email: samir.dwesar@croydon.gov.uk

Cllr Holly Ramsey

Tel: tba

Email: holly.ramsey@croydon.gov.uk

Alternatively residents can call Croydon Council’s main number on 020 8726 6000 (Mon to Fri ; 9am to 4pm) and ask for a Councillor listed above to call them back.

All elected Councillors in Croydon

OUR MP for CROYDON SOUTH (Conservative) - July 2024

Chris Philp MP, The House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA

Tel; 020 7219 8026

Email; chris.philp.mp@parliament.uk  - Website


Neil Garratt (Conservative)

Email; neil.garratt@london.gov.uk

Ward Map of Borough

A full map, of the Croydon Borough, with all the new Ward changes can be view on this link (in pdf).

A map showing the two Wards in the RRA area (PO&R & Sanderstead) can be viewed here

Popular Searches of Croydon Council Departments

ABOUT YOUR AREA - Click on the link below to Croydon Council’s website.

Set your home address and/or postcode and find out about all the information in your locality. Your local Councillors, MP, rubbish/recycling collection days, nearest station, your Council tax banding, etc, etc. Link

Abandoned Shopping Trolleys - The Love Clean Streets (LCS) app cannot be used for reporting abandoned supermarket trolleys. The Council advise that an e-mail should be sent to Trolleywise UK on Trolleywise.UK@wanzl.com or go to this Trolleywise Wanzl link and they'll come and pick them up.

Abandoned Vehicles on the highway and private land - Link

With the road tax discs scrapped from 1 October 2014 (Link), check whether a vehicle on the highway is taxed DVLA Link

CALAT (Croydon Adult Learning & Training) www.calat.ac.uk

Clearing snow & ice from pavements - Advice from the Government - Link

Croydon On Line - Links and Information locally Link

Dog Ownership - Croydon Council has a dog warden service, with a warden on duty 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday and an emergency service outside these days and times, on 020 8726 6000 (option 7). This can be used to report instances of dog nuisance, dangerous dogs and missing or stray dogs, etc. Croydon Council also provides other services relating to noise control (including dog barking causing a nuisance), dangerous dogs, dog fouling, pet animals, etc. and carries leaflets and detailed information on its website: Link

The RRA would like to remind all dog owners that you are legally liable for the behaviour of your dog which could result in prosecution. See this Government Leaflet Link

Dog Ownership

The RRA do at times, receive complaints about irresponsible dog ownership, by a few owners, causing a nuisance to Riddlesdown residents, especially continuous barking of dogs. Although the RRA cannot take direct action on behalf of the complainant, here are a few tips, and website links.  

The RSPCA provides very good information and advice for individuals about having dogs as pet animals on its website at:  http://www.rspca.org.uk/allaboutanimals/pets/dogs

The RSPCA also provides a telephone advice and information phone line at 0300 1234 999.

Legally, all pet (not just dog) owners have a duty of care under the Animal Welfare Act, to provide their animals with a suitable living environment.  

In public places for dogs, there are also various environmental and dogs acts and orders. These state that dogs must wear a collar with the owner’s name and address and it is a criminal offence for owner and/or the person in charge of a dog to allow it to be dangerously out of control. Owners have to clean up after their dogs and put them on leads when directed to do so and ensure that their dog does not worry livestock.  

There are also byelaws regarding noise and if a dog’s barking causes a serious nuisance to neighbours, then local authorities can serve a noise abatement notice and also serve fines on dog owners. Detailed information and a downloadable booklet regarding this noise nuisance can be found on the Department of Environment website at:


Environmental Reporting;

Do you need to report an environmental issue to Croydon Council like a pothole, damaged pavement, trees, waste bin, abandoned vehicle and many other problems? Then there are a number of ways this can be done (some are not available to do on the Council’s website).

Refer to this webpage first;


Or you can;


You can also use this method for a missed collection of a refuse bin, recycle bin and food waste bin. Also use to order a new bin.

Fireworks and the Law

The RRA do receive complaints about loud fireworks being let off at times other than Bonfire night, New Year’s Eve, Diwali and Chinese New Year. Whilst the RRA do not want to be “party poopers” here are some reminders about fireworks and the law. The RRA would ask if you are holding a fireworks party, you respect your neighbours and don’t let off fireworks after the times listed below.

Fireworks and the Law

The “permitted” exceptions are:

Buying fireworks

You can only buy fireworks (including sparklers) from registered sellers for private use on these dates:

At other times you can only buy fireworks from licensed shops. You can be fined up to £5,000 and/or imprisoned for up to 6 months for selling or using fireworks illegally. You could also get an on-the-spot fine of £90. Croydon Council’s Pollution team advise the above legislation is enforced by the Police. The Met Police advise during the festive period of Bonfire night there are extra patrols across the borough to deal with any additional calls relating to anti social behaviour or disorder.  For further information go to this Government link

Freedom of Information Requests to Croydon Council

To make a FoI request direct to the Council use this link;


Or you can use the, ‘What do they Know’ website on this link;



Croydon Council’s Garden Waste collection service is now a paid subscription service running every fortnight. Link

There is no discount for multiple bin orders. To check your collection day, either sign in through My account or visit this page on the Council’s website and enter your address. If you haven’t paid for the Garden Waste service, you will see that it says “collection day is unavailable”. Only those who have subscribed to this service will see their collection day.

Illegal Encampments Link or 020 8726 6200 or Police Traveller Liaison Officer 020 8649 0266

Noise Pollution - Unreasonable noise can be a nuisance at any time of the day or night. The Council has powers to deal with unreasonable noise levels from loud music, parties, construction works or car and house alarms. The law enables us to take action against those who cause a noise nuisance, which can result in a fine and confiscation of any equipment causing the noise.

You can report excessive noise by contacting the Pollution Enforcement team on these details Our services include:

Pollution service available  Daytime office hours: Tel: 020 8760 5483  Monday to Friday  09:00 to 17:00. No out of hours service. More information on this link

Croydon Council’s Code of Practice for Building and Demolition Work by Contractors (not applicable for Household DIY)


“Hours of Work - 6.1

Where residential occupiers are likely to be affected by noise, the hours of noisy works shall normally be restricted to:-

Monday - Friday: 8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

Saturday: 8.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.

Sunday and Bank Holidays: No noisy activities on site

Further details from the Council on this link


Car Parking Enforcement - 020 8760 1966 - Option 3

Hours: Mon to Sat 7am to 7pm; Sun 9am to 4pm.

All other Car Parking Enquiries: 020 8726 7100

Planning & Building Control -  020 8726 6800

Leisure 020 8726 6900 for libraries, parks, sports & leisure centres.

Roadworks - Unhappy about a set of roadworks in London and the time being taken and poor management? Click the Link to Transport for London (TFL) to report the problem  Link

Road Safety - Accidents near to you! Crashmap - Link

Recreational & Libraries

Waddon Leisure Centre Link

Purley Way, Waddon, Croydon, CR0 4RG

020 8760 0657

Purley Library Link

Banstead Rd, CR8 3YH - Limited opening - check the link above

020 3700 1013

Selsdon Library Link

Addington Rd, CR2 8LA - Limited opening - check the link above

020 3700 1017


Purley Oaks - Brighton Rd, S Croydon CR8 1DG

Monday to Sunday: 8 am to 3.30pm (No Vans)

Factory Lane, W Croydon CR0 3RL

Monday to Saturday: 7.30am to 4.30pm

Sunday:8.30am to 4pm

Fishers Farm, North Downs Rd, New Addington CR0 0LB

Monday to Friday: 8am to 4pm

Saturday: 9am to 2pm

Sunday: 9am to 1pm

Permits required for the above Centres, see this Council webpage

Disposal of surplus paint

The Purley Oaks Household & Recycling Centre no longer allow surplus paint to be disposed of, into the bins. Disposal of paint is now classed as hazardous waste, so Croydon are unable to accept it at any of their three household reuse and recycling centres. Paint being in liquid form causes spillage if the container is damaged.

If you have any usable surplus paint, try offering it to friends, local community groups or you can contact Community Re-Paint. http://www.communityrepaint.org.uk/

However if this is not practicable;

For disposal - Water based paints - You can dispose of “solid” water based paint which can be sent to landfill. To make make paint solid, you have to remove the lid from the can and leave it off for a number of weeks (replace the lid) before disposing of it. By putting sand in it or cat litter or makes it go hard quicker or you can buy a special hardener. Recycling Centre staff will probably want to see that the paint is hard before disposing of it. Empty paint cans (plastic or metal) or dried water based paint can be disposed of at the Council’s recycling centres.

Oil paints - In the case of oil paint this is a bit more difficult. Oil based paint is now given a chemicals advisory notice and needs to be collected by the City of London (this service is subsidised by your local authority). Further information and details about this service are on this City of London Corporation link

The City of London Corporation provides a collection service for boxed chemical and paint only. You are entitled to three collections of 50L of containers per rolling year. Chemicals and paint tins must be put into cardboard boxes for collection. For further details, then either speak to a staff member at one of the Council’s recycling centres or contact Croydon Council direct.

Large Unwanted Items and Other Collections

Croydon Council offer a collection service from your property of ‘large unwanted items and other collections'. Full details are on this link to the Council's website.  You will need to create an 'Online Account' (if you don't have one already) to take up this service.

Recycling and Waste Dates

Updated 16/10/24

You can check the collection days and download the bin collection calendar (and print off a copy). Just enter your postcode and/or address on this link

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