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Founded 1937

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COMMUNITY PAGE; Updated 2/2/25

Things to do, join, and help with around Riddlesdown (See also our Events page)

Please also see our sports, social and activities page


A - Z Organisations in, or close to Riddlesdown

Please bring to the attention of the Website Editor, any inaccuracies, by e-mailing;


Bourne Society

Their website includes details of local publications, historical information, downloadable leaflets of walks around the area and photographs of Riddlesdown. Member only meetings – membership £10 a year. There is also a specific Sanderstead Local History Group, which holds monthly meetings for a charge of £2 per meeting for Bourne Society members only. http://bournesoc.org.uk/

Cantilena Singers

Cantilena Singers Ladies’ Choir was originally formed in 1986. There are no auditions and members do not need to be able to read music. Membership is encouraged for any adult female who is interested to learn and work at achieving a high enough standard for public performance. Members of the choir pay a subscription fee (at present £49 per term). Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings between 7.30 – 9.30pm. Choir members are encouraged to play a part in the running of the choir and there are publicity, fundraising, social and library sub-committees. We are a friendly choir and welcome new members. If you are interested in trying us out please come along to a meeting in the Methodist Church, Sanderstead) and / or contact Jill on 07957 627783.


Community Building in Riddlesdown; Jan 2024

Dawn Bennett is the Community Builder for Sanderstead, Coulsdon Town, Old Coulsdon, Kenley, Purley Oaks and Riddlesdown, Purley and Woodcote, working from the Old Lodge Lane Baptist Church (OLLBC)/Community Hub, in Reedham Park Ave, Purley.

Dawn’s role is to bring people together, particularly people who might be lonely and not aware that there are various community groups that might be of interest to them. Dawn is keen to connect with community groups.

Dawn says “I have taken on the role as Community Developer at Old Lodge Lane Baptist Church. This is a completely new role for me. After volunteering at OLLBC Food Stop since January 2023 and enjoying what I did there and being able to help people I was approached about the Community Developer role that had become available.  My profession is a Personal Assistant, so this is a completely different role to what I am used to. I am looking at ways to help and improve the community, bringing people together.  It would be good if we could help people who are new to the area, those who don’t necessarily know what is happening in the area or who are not confident to join a group and are sat at home lonely.”

The post is part of One Croydon's Locality model, funded by ‘The Kings Fund’ with the aim to ‘shift power and authority to local people and communities. Dawn can be contacted via e-mail at dawn.bennett@ollbc.org.uk

Croydon Art Society

The Croydon Art Society is one of the oldest art societies in Britain (having been formed in 1881) and won The Artist/Leisure Painter Art Club of the Year in 2018.  Art Societies and clubs are not just about painting and in these troubled times. The Croydon Art Society has had to devise new and innovative ways to support and connect with its members.  During lockdown, the Committee were ringing round the members to see if they were okay and there have been talks and demonstrations via Zoom.

Croydon Camera Club

Meets in Shirley Methodist Church Hall most Wednesdays of the year & has outings to photogenic locations. Further Information via email: or  www.croydoncameraclub.org.uk

The Art Society Croydon (TAS)

Lectures take place on the 2nd Thursday of each month except August and December at 10.45 a.m. in All Saints Church Hall, Onslow Gardens, Sanderstead CR2 9AB. Tea/coffee and biscuits from 10.00 a.m. Visitors welcome. Other activities include Special Interest Days, Visits and Study Tours.


CNHSS – Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society

Indoor meetings are usually held in the Small Hall of the East Croydon United Reformed Church, Addiscombe Grove, almost opposite East Croydon Station. www.cnhss.co.uk/

Croydon Symphonic Band

An amateur community wind band with 50 members/players that was formed by an ex Riddlesdown resident 50 years ago. The band is based in Croydon. New members always welcome. http://csb.org.uk/

Croydon U3A

Part of a UK-wide movement, Croydon u3a offers anyone with some spare time in their lives the chance to develop their interests, learn new things and make new friends. For a modest annual fee, you can join as many groups as you want. From Walking to Talking, Spanish to Singing, Dance Exercise to Writing for Pleasure, Table Tennis to Science & Technology – there’s so much on offer. There are no entry qualifications. You won’t get a certificate either. Learning is for the love of it. Extend your horizons. Feel stimulated. Make new friends. Share your knowledge and experience with others.

To find out more see their website; http://www.croydonu3a.org.uk/   or find them on Facebook

FoFD - Friends of Farthing Downs

Regular talks & walks & meetings & exhibitions.


Girl Guiding (Croydon) http://www.girlguidinglaser.org.uk/gdlgallery/croydon/

London Mozart Players Website For details of concerts some of which take place locally.


Long Covid Recovery

“Long Covid Recovery is a physiotherapy-led clinic dedicated to optimising your quality of life by helping you understand, step-by-step, what Long-Covid is and how to manage it.

Our goal is for you to feel that ALL your health concerns have been listened to, as we understand how much post-viral illness can cause systemic (whole body) change.”

More details on this link: longcovidrecovery.org.uk

North Wood Morris Men -Croydon’s Own Morris Dancers;

They are always looking for new members to dance or play music. They will train dancers and musicians from scratch if need be. All are welcome.


Parkrun; Riddlesdown Common

Free 5km Run Every Saturday at 9am - See link for further details to register


Pilates at St Edmund’s Church Hall, Mitchley Ave and Riddlesdown Lawn Tennis Club.  Poster in pdf

Purley Bury Sports & Social Club (Brancaster Lane).

BOWLS Purley Bury Bowls Club

CROQUET Purley Bury Croquet Club

TENNIS Purley Bury Tennis Club

Purley Literary Society

Meetings run fortnightly from October to March. Talks are in the hall of the Christchurch, between 861 and 863 Brighton Road at 8pm. This website link gives more information/details; https://www.purleylit.org.uk/index.html


Croydon Ramblers - http://www.croydonramblers.org.uk/

Surrey Ramblers - www.surreyramblers.org.uk

Riddlesdown Lawn Tennis Club, Lower Barn Rd

A small friendly club where everyone is welcome - regardless of age, experience or skill.

A first year special offer of membership for just £120.

Junior section with full coaching sessions organised by MDL Coaching

on Sat mornings throughout year. Further details - Dave Kerr - 07773 818443.


Riddlesdown (Open space) – City of London Commons

Newsletters from the City of London

Each month the City of London Commons send out a digital round-up of what’s been happening across the four Coulsdon Commons (Farthing Downs, Coulsdon Common, Kenley Common and Riddlesdown). This features news from your local commons, upcoming events (including workshops, guided walks and talks), volunteering opportunities and things to see and do.

To sign up, e-mail city.commons@cityoflondon.gov.uk

Or go to either;

http://eepurl.com/5VSVL (newsletter)

or https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/things-to-do/green-spaces/the-coulsdon-commons (website)

For monthly events with the City of London Commons, see the bottom of each monthly newsletter on this link to our website

RSPB Croydon Local Group

They hold monthly indoor meetings in South Croydon, usually on the second Monday of each month (except June) with talks about a wide variety of topics. These meetings last for about two hours with a break for refreshments in the middle (please bring your own mug). There are stands for the sale of RSPB goods and, usually, hand made cards. You can also meet other members and discuss your bird sightings.

The meetings are held in the main hall at Croham Road Baptist Church, 52 Croham Rd, South Croydon, CR2 7BA and start at 7.30pm. Entry is £5 for all attendees.


St Edmund’s Monday Night Badminton Club

Monday night badminton takes place between 8-9.30pm in St.Edmund's church hall during term time. We are a friendly mixed club with a mix of ability and would encourage new members to join. No absolute beginners please. Contact details: Mrs Christine Whitmarsh on 8660 2178 or just drop in one Monday evening.

Sanderstead Methodist Church, Limpsfield Rd

Tuesday Coffee Club

This coffee club is for members of the church and also the local community.

New members are always welcome. They meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month. If you would like some company, conversation, and coffee (or tea) in a friendly environment please drop in to Sanderstead Methodist Church, 102 Limpsfield Road, CR2 (next door to Atwood Primary Academy), between 10.00 and 11.30 am and try out the club. It costs £1 for a drink and a cookie. For some pictures and more details visit the website: http://www.sandersteadmethodist.org.uk/SMCHome/

Sanderstead Neighbourhood Care

Sanderstead Neighbourhood Care aims to help people over 65 living in Sanderstead, Hamsey Green and Riddlesdown area who are vulnerable, housebound, frail or otherwise in need. We do this by linking local volunteers with people who need help.

We also run a fortnightly social club called ‘The Young At Heart Club’, All Saints Church Hall, Onslow Gardens, CR2 9AB. where a light lunch is provided. Members are entertained by a speaker, singer etc. This is every Friday (fortnightly and not in August.

We also offer a befriending service so the housebound can be visited. Book sales and quiz nights are held twice yearly to help raise funds. Further enquiries to; 020 8657 8289

Scouts, Croydon

19th Purley (Riddlesdown), Dunmail Drive, off Mitchley Hill https://19thpurleyscoutgroup.org/


Vacancies for Beavers at the 19th Purley- e-mail   for enquiries

11th Purley Scout Group  

The 11th Purley Scout Group from 10 January 2023 will meet at St. Edmund’s Church Hall, Mitchley Ave.

16th Purley Scout Group (All Saint’s Group, Sanderstead)


18th Purley (United Reform Church). Scout HQ in Farm Fields

Group Scout Leader Robert Croft. Beavers – Thursdays 5.00 – 6.00pm

Cubs - Mondays – 6.30 to 8.00pm

Scouts Thursdays 7.30 to 9.00pm


Sanderstead Cricket Club, 14 Old Saw Mill, Limpsfield Rd, Sanderstead (entrance opposite The Gruffy)


Sanderstead Dramatic Club


Sanderstead Horticultural Society; Membership is £10 per household with the following benefits: Knights Garden Centres give 10% discount; visits to local gardens and discounted entry to RHS Wisley; free entry to our three annual shows and free evening talks. Details online at www.sandersteadhs.org or email SHSmembership1@gmail.com

Sanderstead Village WI

The Sanderstead Village WI meets on the first Monday of the month (unless it’s a bank holiday) at 7.30 pm at the Sanderstead Methodist Church, Limpsfield Road.


Sanderstead WI

The Sanderstead WI meet in the Sanderstead United Reformed Church Hall, Sanderstead Hill from 2pm to 4pm on the first Wednesday of each month, but please check on the Events page as sometimes the meetings will be on Zoom if conditions dictate the necessity.


Selsdon Little League Football

Providing Football for local children in the area for school years 2 to 9. More details on their website: https://www.selsdonlittleleague.com/

Stagecoach Croydon - Theatre Arts Schools for Children

Fridays at Riddlesdown Collegiate

4.30 - 7.30pm; 6 -18 years

4.15 - 5.45pm; 4 -6 years

Saturdays at Croydon High School

10 am - 1pm or 2.30pm - 5.30pm; 6-18 years

9.30 am - 11am or 11.15am -12.45pm; 4-6 years

Tel 0845 265 7083  www.stagecoach.co.uk/croydon

Surrey Wildlife Trust

More Information Tel: 01483 795440 or website www.surreywildlifetrust.org

The Norwood Wind Ensemble

We are a friendly concert band who enjoy playing good quality music to the best of our ability. We are always looking for new musicians who are interested in joining us. If you play a wind, brass or percussion instrument and have good sight reading skills we would love to hear from you. We usually meet twice a month on Sunday afternoons at St Mary’s Church Hall, Addington Village.

If you would like more information about joining the band or are interested in booking us for an engagement please contact our Musical Director, Brian Cox on: 07791 688838


The PROBUS Club of Sanderstead & Riddlesdown

Meet at Old Whitgiftians Sports Club, Croham Manor Rd, S Croydon. From noon on first Tuesday of every month.


Trinity Rugby Football Club, Lime Meadow Ave, Sandestead are looking for new players. Poster in pdf

Warlingham Horticultural Society

Hold Regular flower shows & plant sales in Warlingham & outings


Yoga with Linda

Yoga improves strength and flexibility. It also helps you relax, improves confidence, reduces anxiety and helps you de-stress.

Yoga Classes at the United Reform Church, Purley & Old Coulsdon Bowling Club.

To find out more, including prices, contact: Linda Bevin 07767 268408 or check out her Website


Every effort is made to ensure that the above information is factually correct but accuracy must not be assumed and no responsibility can be taken for any actions arising in the case of error or otherwise. This information on this site, is made in good faith.

Please bring to the attention of the Website Editor, any inaccuracies, by e-mailing;


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